Member Involvement Committees

Terms of Reference

To encourage participation in our Local and to encourage members to take an active part in committees and join the Executive. The committee will plan and provide outreach events that meet this objective.

i.e. informal coffee chats or info meetings to explain duties of Executive members.

  • This committee is set up, choosing members and a chair at the Local’s Strategic Planning Executive Meeting.
  • Chair will set dates for meetings by the October Executive meeting.
  • Committee will co-ordinate a Local event with the TDSB’s New Hire documentation meetings to introduce the Local and ETFO and explain our role as their union. This can be a coffee time after the TDSB meeting to answer questions and provide hand outs.
  • The Committee will highlight the function and role of our Union to all members. This should be a commitment of all committees and this message should be included in all meetings, events and activities.