New Members
Welcome New Members of ETFO!
ETFO strives to serve our members in several ways. As a union, we defend our members and workplace rights through bargaining and advocacy. As a professional organization, we deliver a wide range of personal and professional development, as well as leadership and training opportunities.
Download the Welcome to ETFO booklet for an overview of ETFO’s structure, membership services and supports, information on benefits and insurance coverage, and volunteer opportunities in the union. The strength of ETFO is in its active membership, so get involved and show your union pride!
Want to learn more about your union?
With over 83,000 members, the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) is the largest educators’ union in Canada.
When you accepted your position with your school board and became an ETFO member, you became part of our collective strength, enthusiasm, and commitment to each other and to our profession.